Thursday, November 13, 2008

Charter for Compassion

TED launched a new site called CharterForCompassion inspired by world events and a universal recognition of the power of the Golden Rule.

I invite you to take a moment to be inspired by this creative video and share your own story of compassion.

Thank you


1 comment:

Suzanne Bowen said...

Thanks, Mark, for sharing the video with us. Makes me think about an discussion I had last week with the executive director of a "unity movement" who was wondering why I didn't want to donate money to it right now.

Answer: I'm devoting as much time and $ as I can to a local group called Linking Arms, Inc. Why's that? I see where all the $ goes, and I like where it goes... to help kids who are in trouble in school and their families. The group approaches it in a unique way. Helps the caretakers of the children get education and jobs they need. Conducts family-oriented activities. Provides homework and social mentoring. Last, the group holds those they help accountable by having them help others who need help. A lot of helping going on here. And my comment is way too long. But you motivated me, Mark. ;-)